Tips and Advice

Check Out 5 Design Rules Nicole Curtis Never Breaks

Check Out 5 Design Rules Nicole Curtis Never Breaks

Steal these tried-and-true home remodeling tricks from the queen of rehab, Nicole Curtis from HGTV’s Rehab Addict..

Why buy something new when you can restore something old for less? Whether you're planning a vintage restoration of your own or are just a fan of the show, read on to learn five tried-and-true design mantras that the queen of rehab never breaks.

Majority of Young Adults Prioritize Homeownership Over Marriage

Majority of Young Adults Prioritize Homeownership Over Marriage

When asked about life priorities, millennials name homeownership as their second-highest goal behind retirement—and before marriage and having children, according to Bank of America’s 2018 Homebuyer Insight Report. An impressive 72 percent of millennials say owning a home is their top priority, while 50 percent pointed to marriage and 44 percent to having children.