When quarantine ends and stay-at-home orders are lifted, our new normal will be forever changed. Coronavirus has changed our daily cleaning habits, and these habits will more than likely stick around for months to come. Here are 7 ways RealSimple.com has predicted COVID-19 will affect home design trends in the more hygienic homes of the future to come.
1. The Return of the Mudroom -
Mudrooms act as a perfect, clean, and organized “drop zone” to leave our germs at the door. These entryways are crucial now to seclude germs as we carefully remove face masks, gloves, jackets, hats, and shoes. Even once we can ditch the masks and gloves, designers will more than likely re-think the purpose and functionality of entryways in regards to hygiene.
2. Antimicrobial Materials -
Surprisingly, many materials are naturally antimicrobial, including metals such as copper, brass, and bronze. They are likely to be a top choice for home fixtures, including cabinet door knobs and kitchen faucets, because they help destroy bacteria without us having to constantly clean them with disinfectant wipes.
3. Bidets -
Bidet sales have already skyrocketed as a result of toilet paper shortages across the nation. We can expect to see more and more bathrooms boasting bidets as an added feature in the coming months.
4. “Smart” Electronics -
Technology is ever growing and intertwining with home design. We have the capability to install no touch faucets, voice activated lights and thermostats, and more. The hygenic appeal of these luxury items has surpassed convenience. We are paying extra attention to our hygiene, particularly our hands. Lessening the amount of things we have to physically touch is a great way to minimize germ exposure and spread.
5. Home Offices -
Pre-corona, the home office was considered a nice bonus, now it is considered a necessity. Many companies are implementing work from home orders, and it is likely these orders won’t be lifted for quite some time, and may continue post corona. The home office is now a must have for most buyers.
6. Air Purifiers -
Many homeowners are rethinking their indoor air quality, replacing HVAC filters, and investing in air purifiers. Studies have shown air filtration can help reduce the transmission of the flu, which is essential during this crisis.
7. Cork Flooring -
Cork flooring is likely to make a comeback as it is naturally antimicrobial and water-resistant, helping prevent mold and mildew.
If you’re looking to buy or sell a home during this pandemic, contact us or call 410.465.6900 to set up a virtual appointment!