
Is Your Home Fire Safe for Your Pet?

Is Your Home Fire Safe for Your Pet?

National Pet Fire Safety Day on July 15th is the perfect time to make sure your home’s fire safety plan includes getting your pets to safety, as well as the people, in the event of a fire. Taking preventable measures can protect your home, your family, and your pets in an emergency situation. // Read Time: 5 minutes.

Open House Tips

Open House Tips

Now that Open Houses are back on as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to decrease, it’s a great time to jog our memory on how to host a successful one. Both the seller and the agent should follow these steps to ensure the maximum number of people view the home, and to increase the chance of it selling quickly + for top dollar. Read Time 5 minutes.

How We Plan to Re-implement Safe and Successful Open Houses

How We Plan to Re-implement Safe and Successful Open Houses

According to MD State Officials, we are finally able to start having Open Houses again, however, we have to be smart about how we do so. In order to host Open Houses that are both safe and successful, the seller and agent must take the necessary precautions. Read Time: 5 minutes

How to Make your Home Safer in 30 Minutes

How to Make your Home Safer in 30 Minutes

With the extra time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have begun rethinking the safety of our homes. Take advantage of the down time by making these 6 simple adjustments to increase your homes safety in under 30 minutes. Read Time: less than 5 minutes.

Quarantine like a PRO! - Tips for Home + Virtual Schooling

Quarantine like a PRO! - Tips for Home + Virtual Schooling

Governments are recommending staying home and limiting human interaction. This might sound like no fun, IF you are unsure how to spend your ever-increasing down-time in the house. Don’t fret! Quarantine like a pro with this series of blogs filled with tips + tricks. Featured Post: Tips for Virtual + Home Schooling | Read Time: 5 minutes or less.